Damsel Arise

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Release Your Inner Fitness Roar

Spring is the Season to Release your Inner Fitness Roar!! Some say working out is the new going out; well that may be true if you’re the type of person who enjoys spending time in the gym busting up a sweat.  Taking on fitness as a lifestyle can be a challenge for beginners, but what’s important is the motivating factor that drives your mind and then body to take action. What is your why for getting fit and staying fit? Whatever the answer is, this should be plastered where ever you can see it and take it in on a daily basis.

Me personally, I like to get a picture of the ideal weight and body type that I desire to be. I make sure that it is a realistic visual for my body type and height. That picture is what motivates me to work out to get fit and stay fit.

Health is so important to me, and fitness is a part of being healthy. We only get one body in this life, so why not take care of it and make sure it’s in the best condition it can possibly be.

Be sure to get the best nutrition for your body when having an athletic lifestyle. Those who work out regularly actually need more nutrition than those who do not. So be sure to give your body the raw materials that it needs to prevent injuries, inflammation, and diseases of the bones & joints or the heart, brain & lungs. Get in touch with your doctor or nutritionist to learn more.

So have fun this season getting your fitness on! Rock it out in the gym, home, or park. Inspire others to release their inner fitness roar by teaching a class, inviting to the gym, inviting to go for a walk or a hike. This will make your journey of fitness much more gratifying.

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