Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall
Pride puffs us up and makes us think that we are bigger and more important than we really are. We use our pride to push ourselves forward in the eyes of others. Perhaps this is a good day to say sorry to God for the pride in our hearts. Perhaps today is a good day to begin to put right those things that our pride has caused. Perhaps today is a good day to clothe ourselves with humility and to start to live the Christ-like life he has shown to us.
Maybe then we can begin to experience the rule and power of God really being built up in our lives. Maybe then our pride will diminish and our God will be exalted. Now we are to humble ourselves, and not let our pride or ego get in the way when dealing with others. So never let your pride or ego convince you that you are more righteous than another. After all, we are all God’s Children and He loves each of us equally!